Quickstart guide
This is a very short list of steps required to get your started with FooDMe 2. Please see our complete installation and usage guides to answer any questions you are left with after reading this.
1. Installation
This pipeline is written in Nextflow and requires a fairly recent version of Nextflow on your system. In addition, a software provisioning tool is needed (Docker, Conda, etc). If you need help with this, see here.
We recommend you also contribute a config file for your setup to our central config repository. This will save you time down the road by setting certain options automatically based on your compute environment.
2. Pipeline references
FooDMe 2 requires locally stored, formatted databases. The pipeline has a built-in option to install these.
3. Run the test
Once everything is set up, you can run a short test to see if everything works as expected.
where the conda profile can be replaced by whatever your software provider of choice is.