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  • name_of_pipeline_run.xlsx: A table with accumulated results - one row per sample per taxon:
Sample  Taxon Percentage
SampleA Sus scrofa  75.0
SampleA Bos taurus  25.0  
  • name_of_pipeline_run_krona.html: A multi-sample Krona report to visualize taxonomic composition of samples.

Quality control

  • MultiQC/name_of_pipeline_run_multiqc_report.html: A graphical and interactive report of various QC steps and results

Per-sample outputs

  • name_of_pipeline_run.usearch_global.tsv - the Number of reads mapping against each respective OTU, per sample
  • name_of_pipeline_run.precluster.fasta - the final set of OTUs in FASTA format

This folder contains the various intermediate processing outputs and is mostly there for debugging purposes.

Pipeline run metrics


This folder contains the pipeline run metrics

  • pipeline_dag.svg - the workflow graph (only available if GraphViz is installed)
  • pipeline_report.html - the (graphical) summary of all completed tasks and their resource usage
  • pipeline_report.txt - a short summary of this analysis run in text format
  • pipeline_timeline.html - chronological report of compute tasks and their duration
  • pipeline_trace.txt - Detailed trace log of all processes and their various metrics